What is working ergonomically?
The Greek Ergos Nomos means ‘law of work’. Working ergonomically is working as effective as possible. Using scientific research of human labour, tools and work situations we help people achieving - and maintaining - the right working posture. For working healthy and happy in the short and long run.
Sitting Healthy
Please mind the points below - they are important for the best working posture.
- Impact point 1 : Neck Complaints
- Impact point 2 : Shoulder Complaints
- Impact point 3 : Back Complaints
- Impact point 4 : RSI
Back, shoulder or neck complaints, RSI: unfortunately too many people have experienced them. The amount of sitting work grew, without giving the same increasing attention to the health consequences. As a result the figures spoke for themselves and showed an increasing number of chronical complaints, leave of absence and even permanent disability. A simple workplace check can clarity a lot.
How our customers experience it
Je recommande le siège”Dynamic” adapté à chaque praticien. Fini les maux de dos !
Docteur Hélène Martinez, Rambouillet, utilise le Dynamic
Following the advice of ArboNet we contacted BQE. Making an appointment was fast and in 2 weeks we had our trial. BQE brought…
My chair is beautiful, it perfectly fits my sandcoloured interior. Delivered at 11:30 as requested –super service.
Desiree van Keeken - Studio di Bellezza